Duties: Drums
Equipment: Sonor Drum Set
Home: Plattsburgh
Originally: Plattsburgh
Job: UPS
Age: 21
Marital Status: ?
Education: Graduated High School
Distinctive factor: Height
Obsessed with: The phrase "We raped that song."
Annoyances: Hippies
Favorite things: Strippers
Quotes: "Don't laugh when I do my Ringo Star drum beat." "I should just get 'rape me' tattooed on my forehead." "Jesus Nick, my eyes are still fucking watering."
Previous bands: John Dough
Brian is uhhh... a drummer. Don't ask what he likes because I have no idea. He's the most talented member of the band, and has a drum set that's worth more than my life, but he usually ends up using Nick's instead. It saves moving them around all the damn time. Brian never comes to practice, or to shows...