Band facts:

Nick and Brian are cousins.

The name The Krazies came from a movie.

They were almost called The Stellas.

Somebody got in a car accident while listening to the Krazies tape.

Nick played a show (in Bombshell) with Adam (in Ketchup Knife) at the Getaway.

Adam and Brian live over an hour apart from each other.

Nick writes his songs while in the shower.

Adam wrote Anti-Soldier on an acoustic guitar.

Facts about Nick:

He's a germaphobe.

He has worse gas than the holocaust.

He's a fussy slob.

He almost got killed by a hedge hog.

He once hid behind a cardboard cut out of George Bush in Washington D.C., and his mom thought he was kidnapped.

He almost took an old lady's head off with a 360 on his bike at Walmart.

He once had a job at Service Merchandise, but quit before his first day of work.

He would drink Cheryl Ladd's bath water.

He was a legend in bike riding until people found out he couldn't really do a back flip.

He once refused to participate in Gym class because he spiked his hair.

He got caught sniffing glue in school.

Facts about Adam:

He's homeschooled.

He once played bass for kiddie songs in a church.

He does The Krazies entire page.

He likes jazz.

He met Ted Turner.

He used to be on the same basketball team as Shaun Swick (Groodys), Pat Bartlett (Choke), and Danny Leonidas (KNF).

He is deadly afraid of piercings.

He created his own religion, Freemagraffinism.

He's a perfectionist.

He's a control freak.

He's a published writer.

He once got yelled at by a nun for wearing a Bad Religion t-shirt.

Facts about Brian:

He plays drums for the Krazies.